Jesus can change your life.
- Has Jesus changed your life? How?
From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
- What stands out to you from the text?
- What questions or comments do you have about it?
1. We all need spiritual renewal.
2. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
3. We have been given the ministry and the message of reconciliation.
When we study God’s Word, it should lead us to both rejoicing and repenting.
- In what ways did you find yourself encouraged and/or rejoicing when you heard the message?
- In what ways were you challenged to repent or change when you heard the message?
- How did the teacher connect this passage to Christ? What other connections do you see between this message and the redemptive work of Christ?
- What is one thing that you want to remember from this sermon?
- Why is that important to you?