Resources on Prayer
A simple way to pray: reflect, respond, request
By Adam Pursel So many of us want a more consistent and life-giving prayer life, but we’re not sure how. Here is a simple format to follow to help you grow in prayer: Reflect, Respond, Request. Reflect Reflect and respond actually go together, and are the two parts of this format that people often skip. If you do that, you’re missing the best part! I’m not saying you can’t jump straight to requests in your prayers. I am saying that…
How to pray in your Lifegroup
Charles Spurgeon once said, “Prayer is the powerhouse of the church.” His statement was true then and it is true now. Unless God’s people are actively praying for His hand on His Church and His leading in His Mission, they will be devoid of power and without direction. Luke tells his reader in Acts 2:42 four things that the followers of Jesus devoted themselves to: the apostle’s teaching, prayer, communion, and fellowship with other believers. At its core, it was…