Kage Queen

Kage Queen

Tell us a little bit about your family and where you’re from.

I’m originally from Parkersburg, WV. It’s right on the border of Ohio and WV. I started dating my wife, Kelsey in 2013 and we got married in 2015. We had our son, Jameson in 2020 and currently have a little girl on the way.

When did you meet Jesus?

I met Jesus when I was very young. My dad is a musician and was playing for a southern Gospel Church in Clarksburg, WV. I remember the pastor explaining why we need a Savior and what it means to follow Jesus. I prayed and admitted to God that I was a sinner and needed Jesus. 

What is one of your favorite Bible verses?

John 15:5. “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

What is your current role with Lifepoint? How long have you been on staff?

I currently serve as the Worship Pastor. I have been on staff since February of 2022. 

How do you hope your ministry will impact people?

I have a strong burden for people to know and follow Jesus. Worship is a response to God in everything we do. My burden is for people to not simply sing along as we sing on Sunday mornings, but to respond to God in worship daily- praising Him through song, service, and fellowship that carries on beyond our Sunday morning gatherings.

What experience/education/training has helped prepare you for your current role?

I have served in many churches throughout the years. I grew up in a musical, Christ-centered home. I started playing drums at the age of 4 and began playing guitar by the time I was 6. At some point in my teen years, I became involved in a youth band and another band outside of the church. 
After high school, I sensed that God was calling me to stop playing music for myself and to play music for God. God opened up opportunities to serve in part-time ministry in Parkersburg for a few years. God then led Kelsey and me to the state of Delaware where I would intern for a church for a little over a year before helping to plant another church in Smyrna, DE where I served in full-time ministry for 5 years before coming to Lifepoint Mount Vernon. 

What are some of your favorite shows, books, movies, music…?

TV: The Office. I quote it almost daily. MOVIES: I’m a HUGE Star Wars nerd. BOOKS: Several books that have really impacted my walk have been Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin, Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer, and Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund.

What do you do for fun?

I really enjoy hanging out with my family. We love going to the park and watching movies together. I also love doing anything music-related – playing guitar and drums, visiting music stores, writing, recording, etc. When I’m not playing music or spending time with my family, you’ll find me cruisin’ on my Harley or in a tree stand during deer season.

Executive Pastor
Bryan Wolf
Production Director
Andrew Champlin